new product press release

Appen Launches AI Chat Feedback and Benchmarking Solutions for Enhanced LLM Evaluation

Appen Enables Enterprises to Build More Complex Conversational AI Solutions  KIRKLAND, Wash., August 23, 2023 – Appen Limited (ASX:APX), a leading provider of high-quality data for the AI lifecycle, today announced the launch of two new products that will enable customers to launch high-performing large language models (LLMs) whose responses are helpful, harmless and honest to reduce bias and toxicity. …
benchmarking LLM blog appen

Appen’s Benchmarking Solution: Confidently Choosing the Right LLM for Your Application 

With Large Language Model innovation happening at a rapid pace, LLMs are presenting both opportunities and challenges for practitioners. One of the most prominent problems they face is how to strategically select the most suitable model for a specific enterprise application – a decision that holds far-reaching consequences for aspects like user experience, maintenance and profitability. Model selection requires a …
ai chat feedback LLM

Appen’s AI Chat Feedback Solution: Enhancing Conversational AI Performance 

The rise of Large Language Models has paved the way for advanced conversational agents, powering various applications such as chatbots and virtual assistants. Often, the need for multi-turn evaluation is overlooked however, it is important to test a LLMs contextual understanding and coherence in complex conversations that extend over multiple turns or dialogues, mirroring real-world applications. This will help identify …