Managed Services in AI

What are Managed Services in AI?

Deploying a well-performing AI model is a complicated, resource-intensive task, so it’s no surprise companies are turning to managed services for assistance. Generally speaking, managed services refers to any end-to-end white glove service. A company can partner with a managed service provider (MSP) for all or part of a given operation via managed services. This concept is now frequently being …
Content Relevance

Content Relevance: All You Need To Know About Serving Relevant Content To Your Customers

Many companies make the mistake when serving content to their customers and potential customers of not tailoring enough and serving too generic pieces that may not be relevant for everyone in their target. When it comes to content relevance, people want to see helpful information and solutions to their problems, or to be entertained and engaged. Serving up relevant content …

Apache Log4J Security Update

The Appen team has taken quick action in relation to resolving the vulnerability advisory related to Log4shell (CVE-2021-44228) which may affect organizations that use vulnerable versions of the Log4j package. The vulnerability is a remote code execution issue in the Apache Log4j logging services application which may affect Java applications. During our security team’s review, malicious or suspicious activity has …
What is Synthetic Data?

What is Synthetic Data?

Everything You Need to Know About Synthetic Data Companies launching artificial intelligence (AI) face a major hurdle in collecting sufficient data for their models. For many use cases, the right data simply isn’t available or is very difficult and expensive to acquire. Missing, or incomplete, data isn’t desirable when creating AI models, but even larger tech companies misstep in this …
Data-Centric Computer Vision eBook

The Future of Computer Vision is Data-Centric

Cullen Billhartz, Machine Learning and Computer Vision Technologist at The Boeing Company and Kuo-Chin Lien, Data Scientist and Head of Computer Vision at Appen Watch On-Demand to learn more about data and annotation best practices for any organization looking to leverage AI, specifically computer vision, within their company. Learn from our practical examples and tool showcases, and get answers for …

Realeyes Accelerates Video Attention and Emotion Analysis with Scalable Annotation Solution

“Our integration with Appen’s platform allowed us to scale up our annotation operations by collecting multiple types of high-quality annotations for thousands of hours of video footage, all in a short amount of time.” -Or Amir, Vice President of Operations – Realeyes The Company Founded in 2007, Realeyes is a leader in attention measurement. By using front-facing cameras and the latest …
Automatic Speech Recognition

What is Automatic Speech Recognition?

Advances in AI in conjunction with the global pandemic have motivated businesses to enhance their virtual interactions with customers. Increasingly, they’re turning to virtual assistants, chatbots, and other speech technology to power these interactions efficiently. These forms of AI rely on a process known as Automatic Speech Recognition, or ASR. ASR involves the conversion of speech into text; it enables …