person typing on laptop

Ethical Data – Why Your AI Models Need It

An Intro to Ethics The terms, “ethical data” and “responsible data” can be ambiguous in meaning. In the world of tech and AI data, ethics refers to responsible gathering and use of data to train models as well as ensuring that those models interact with humans without bias.  It’s not only important to gather and use the data responsibly for …
person using cellphone, getting a notification

EmPushy Leverages Appen Data Annotation Services to Improve User Experience

The Project EmPushy, an organisation providing an added layer of audience intelligence to help brands and marketers improve audience understanding and subsequent engagement KPIs, is founded by Kieran Fraser, a former PhD student and researcher in the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology based in Trinity College Dublin. Dr. Fraser completed his PhD in the domain of Artificial Intelligence and …
santa typing on laptop

Is it Magic, or is it Data?

All around the world, kids and adults alike are writing letters on the topic of what gifts they want for the holiday season. Some of these letters are given to friends or family, others are mailed to the person they know as Santa Claus. The exact number of languages that Santa can speak is unknown, but speculation says it could …
robots stocking conveyor belts

Retail Restocking with Robots

“Let me check the back,” are words often heard over the past few years, as the item a person has come to purchase appears out of stock. With the rise of labor shortages over the past few years, shelves aren’t always fully stocked like many are used to. One way to alleviate the burden of constantly restocking and allow employees …
Brian Haskett

Meet the Exec: Brian Haskett

From Draftsman to Management People say it’s good to start your career young and that’s exactly what Brian did. At the age of 12, he taught himself how to program computers at a time when the personal computer market was booming. By the age of 16, Brian was working as a draftsman at a local land surveying company—a job that …
Drone carrying a present

Unwrapping the Intelligence Behind Smart Gifts

Unless you’re in the tech industry, you’re likely not thinking “data” when you’re making your list, but luckily, we are. AI powers some of the most coveted products this season and that intelligence is fuelled by training data. A lot of electronic devices, or devices with the word ‘’smart’ in the name, were created using data to train the algorithms …