What is Sensor Fusion

What is Sensor Fusion?

Sensor Fusion Shapes the Future of Connected Devices Sensors are used in almost every industry now: they’re found in our cars, in our factories, and even in our smartphones. While an individual sensor may provide useful data on its own, imagine the information that could be extracted from combining output from multiple sensors at once. This would give us a …
What is Audio Transcription?

What is Audio Transcription?

How AI is Making Transcription More Efficient Human transcription has been around in some form for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Recently, it’s getting a boost with AI. Transcriptions themselves are the text form of the audio content; they enable a reader to comprehend what was said or what happened during a period of time without having to listen …
Translation Services

Translation Services – Taking Your Operations Global

To be able to effectively take your company global, you need to be able to communicate with customers and successfully share your message. You might be thinking that all you need is a strong team of translators. But, translation isn’t as simple as it seems. Translating your company’s message into another language requires nuance and cultural understanding. For translation that …