Appen in the News: Q1 2022

At Appen, we have a diverse team working on a ton of different, interesting projects. Many of these projects are niche or technical and get written about in various publications across the internet. We put together the biggest hits from Q1 of 2022 to share with you. Here’s everything we’re working on and what everyone has to say about it. …

Synthetic Data and its Role in the World of AI

What is Synthetic Data? Synthetic data is artificially created rather than captured from real life and has evolved from machine learning needs for data. Originally, training data had to be obtained to cover every possible scenario to accurately train AI models. If a scenario had not occurred or been captured, there was no data, leaving a huge gap in the …

Earth Day: Appen’s Commitment to a Better Environment

It may seem a strange change for the global leader in Data for the AI Lifecycle to pause from our usual AI insights and Data for the AI Lifecycle content to recognize an organic moment such as Earth Day. After all, does data really have an impact on our planet? The short answer is, yes, it does—but we also have an …

The Ultimate Guide to AI Training Data Platforms

Everything you need to know to find the right training data platform to suit your machine learning needs  Effective machine learning projects begin and end with quality training data and finding the right platform to support your AI model needs is the first step on your path to success.  If you’re looking to launch an AI algorithm or machine learning …

How Microwork Opportunities and Stablecoin Use Can Benefit People Around the World

One of the center points of technological innovation today is data. But, to gather and annotate that data takes thousands of hours of work. Work that can be done by anyone, anywhere in the world. The internet makes it possible to break up these tasks into thousands of micro-tasks which can then be distributed to workers around the globe. This …
Data Labeling for Relevance

The Easiest Path to Making Globally Loved Products Using AI/ML

Join Bree Jones, Data Labeling and Relevance Program Manager at Pinterest, and Sujatha Sagiraju, Chief Product Officer at Appen, as they take a deep dive sharing their AI/ML experiences using their preferred operational best practices to making globally loved products. In This Webinar You Will Learn: How using high quality data overcomes the most difficult AI/ML challenges Highly effective models …

What is MLOps?

The exciting wave of developments in AI and machine learning applications might lead you to believe that organizations are also advancing rapidly in their ability to deliver ML products. The reality is, ML internal processes are having trouble catching up with the overall evolution of the industry… but there’s hope in the form of MLOps! MLOps, which stands for machine …
Model Validation

Machine Learning Model Validation – The Data-Centric Approach

When it comes to building a machine learning model, all the excitement and energy gets channeled into collecting the data and training the model. What often gets less time in the spotlight is testing the model and validating the results. The right validation techniques help to estimate unbiased generalized model performance and give a better understanding of how the model …

Meet the Executive Series: Sujatha Sagiraju

One of our core values at Appen is recognizing and celebrating the people that make the work we do possible. For us, that means writing about and talking about the accomplishments of our people so you can see just how awesome they are. To celebrate our staff, we’ve started a series highlighting a day in the life of an Appen …