Tech Moves, Tech Predictions, and the State of Artificial Intelligence

As a leading provider of high-quality training data for machine learning and artificial intelligence, we’ve been making headlines lately due to our role in advancing the development of cutting-edge technologies. With Q1 2023 closed, we’re giving you the PR wrap-up, highlighting some of the company’s major achievements and milestones over the past few months. Let’s take a closer look at …

Appen’s Environmental Impact Commitment to a Better Future

  As we commemorate Earth Day in the midst of great advances in AI technology, we are constantly reminded of the environmental challenges that we are facing through news, social media and our day to day interactions with the environment. The latest IPCC report highlighted that our greenhouse gas emissions have increased over the last 5 years and more urgent …

Smart Solutions for a Greener Future: How AI is Making a Difference

Artificial intelligence has become a hot topic this year. Thanks to the rapid adoption of generative AI applications, headlines are full of predictions on how AI could revolutionize our policies,  jobs, and the economy. Did you know it’s also pioneering the way we approach sustainability challenges? By analyzing massive amounts of data and providing insights and tools that can inform …

Risk Assessment in the Digital Age: How AI is Transforming Loan Analysis

Every item has a price, but can you afford it? Taking out loans are great for life’s big expenses, like buying a house, car, or paying for school. Paying the loan back can be tricky. Total household debt rose by $351 billion, or 2.2 percent, to reach $16.51 trillion in the third quarter of 2022, according to the latest Quarterly Report …
man looking at computer in a yellow shirt. the words red teaming on the left hand side with a red outline of a shield and a green check mark in the center with a green stamp of approval

Red Teaming: Why It’s Critical for Accurate and Reliable Generative AI

Are you curious about the powerful world of Generative AI, but apprehensive about potential vulnerabilities that can come with it? Look no further than red teaming, also referred to as Jailbreaking or prompt injection. This critical aspect of AI development is often overlooked, but they play a crucial role in improving the performance of Generative AI models.  The potential of …