hand holding word translation and other conversation bubbles

The Power of Translation: Connecting the Past, Present, and Future

More than 7,100 languages are spoken in the world, but 97% of the world’s population speaks only 4% of them. While most of the remaining 96%  are simply spoken by a small group of people, some of them are extinct or near extinction like Larrakia, whose last native speaker passed away over 20 years ago. If this pattern holds true, …

Combating Wildfires with Computer Vision

The Project: Training Machines to Combat Wildfires  A leading global security and aerospace company is enhancing its capability to combat wildfires through computer vision applications. These machine learning applications are used by decision support systems to track the predictive path of a wildfire. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, year-to-date acres burned for the US is approximately 116% of …
Appen crowd contributor Hediye walking on a beach with children

A Day in the Life of an Appen Crowd Contributor: Hediye Cengiz

You’ve heard us say that quality training data is at the center of AI. The core of that training data is the crowd contributor. More than one million contributors make the work we do possible and help us to produce the highest quality training data for our customers. Our crowd works hand-in-hand with machine learning assistance to efficiently and accurately …

Argh Matey, Let AI Help You Speak a New Language

“If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it” Captain Jack Sparrow. When we think pirates, oftentimes Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow comes to mind. What’s not to love about pirates? They sail the seas looking for buried treasure, drink a lot of rum, and talk in their own pirate language. The best part about being (or …

Ethics at Every Stage of the AI Lifecycle: Data Preparation

As AI receives wider market adoption and is implemented as a tool across use cases, more challenges appear. These projects run into concerns that weren’t apparent at infancy of AI–one critical and persisting issue is ethical AI and how to manage bias in data. Data bias is an error that overweighs or underrepresents a certain element in the dataset. When …
image of Vasaji Kothandapani

Meet the Executive: Vasagi Kothandapani

A Career Student of Technology Throughout your working life, you’ll come across all kinds of people–if you’re lucky, some will possess qualities you want to emulate, like passion, drive, determination. These are the qualities of someone who knows exactly what they want, and Vasagi Kothandapani (Vas) is one of them. Appen’s VP of Global Accounts has built her career on …
money sign budget adoption

Appen’s 2022 Annual State of AI and Machine Learning Report

The State of AI and Machine Learning is a cross-industry effort aimed at providing an overview of the status of artificial intelligence and machine learning through input from businesses and their senior decision-makers and technical. For our 8th annual edition, Appen partnered with The Harris Poll to expand our survey to 504 participants in North America and Europe. The goal …
volunteers doing a cheer

How AI Supports Philanthropic Companies

Supporting a cause that strives to find a cure for illness, builds technology to make living easier, or provides services to those in need, is a noble mission. Whether offering monetary support or time, donors and volunteers often have a lot of questions about the goals, services, and resource allocation of the causes they choose to align with. AI is …
Leading Search Engine Provider Enhances Ad Relevance

Leading Search Engine Provider Enhances Ad Relevance

The Company A leading multilingual search engine provider looking to serve the best possible ads to its visitors.   The Challenge A leading multilingual search engine provider relied on algorithms supported by an in-house team to serve the best possible ads to its visitors, and the company’s bottom line depended on clicks. Knowing whether ads were performing optimally was critical …
AI in Automotive ebook

AI Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Launching Customer-centric AI for Autonomous Vehicles and Smart Cars The auto industry is undergoing a profound transformation, with AI and electric changing the way companies build cars and influencing the type of consumer that will ultimately buy or use those cars. The future of transportation will be built with world-class AI, ultra-fast connectivity, and environmental impact in mind. The potential …