human touching finger with robot

How Scary is AI?

It’s high tide for spooky season. People everywhere are watching horror films and going to haunted houses just to scare themselves for entertainment. Controlled creeps can be fun, but things that are out of our control can be genuinely scary. The uncertainty of the future, for example, can be nightmare-inducing for some. For others, something like AI will make their …

Meet the Executive: Erik Vogt

Life of Erik – One with Nature Outdoor adventurer on the weekend, AI technology guru during the week–that’s Erik Vogt. Surrounded by woods and beaches in the Chesapeake Bay, a love for the open air and nature has influenced him throughout his life.  His childhood claim to fame is the epic sand sculptures he built during the summer months. As …

Monitoring Driver Awareness with AI

“Soon” is the word often echoed when people ask when self-driving cars will be the norm. It’s only natural that there would be some anticipation; self-driving cars allow us to talk, text, or even read a book while “driving,” or order an extra drink at dinner and know, confidently, that you have a safe ride home. While self-driving cars are …
robot holding apple

Food + AI = The Solution to End World Hunger

Food is something we sometimes take for granted. For many, there is no worry about when we’ll have our next meal. Quite a few people, however, don’t have the same luxury. Around 10% of the world’s population, or 811 million people, go hungry every day. World Food Day is a holiday created by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) branch …

Appen Forms New Relationship With Human-Centered Software Studio, Novatics

San Francisco – October 12, 2022 – Appen Limited, the global leader of the data for the AI Lifecycle, announced today their latest consultancy with Novatics, a human-centered software studio. The relationship will provide joint synergies in the Latin America region to expand solutions for clients. Novatics designs and develops digital products for fast-moving companies. They connect strategy with agile …
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Ethics at Every Stage of the AI Lifecycle: Sourcing

Bias it’s everywhere, you can’t avoid it and it isn’t always a bad thing. You can liken data bias to personal preference. Say you and your friend are getting ice cream and you love chocolate, your preference, or in this case your bias, is that chocolate ice cream is superior, so you order that. Yet your friend doesn’t like chocolate …