Pashto Language & Intonation Patterns | Appen Blog

New Discoveries: Pashto Language and Intonation Patterns

Last month, I presented cutting-edge research on the Pashto language, which is a language from Afghanistan and Pakistan, at Interspeech in Stockholm. The paper, titled Pashto Intonation Patterns, was co-written with Appen’s Director of Linguistic Services, Judith Bishop, and Senior Linguistic Project Manager, Mim Corris. It was based on data used in a project that began in Autumn 2014 and …

5 Things We Learned at O’Reilly’s AI Conference

There are no shortages of AI conferences out there, but the event the folks from O’Reilly threw this past week is one of the best in recent memory. They managed to couple immersive business keynotes with technical takes of the state-of-the-art in AI. And while we saw tons we enjoyed, here are a few things that stood out: Algorithmic bias …
Why does human-annotated data matter for search? Learn at Lucene/Solr Revolution

Why does human-annotated data matter for search? Learn at Lucene/Solr Revolution

Search is a critical component of any effective website or application, connecting users to the data they need to make decisions, whether it’s to find documents, do research or complete an online purchase. Modern search engines have evolved significantly in the past 5 years, incorporating machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques in all aspects of document and query processing, as …