Stay Safe This Summer

The heat is on! While you’re enjoying time by the pool or venturing out for vacation, it’s important to stay safe in the high heat. Here’s some tips to keep in mind while enjoying summer break.

1. Reapply sunscreen throughout the day

Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours

According to Hopkins Medicine, you should reapply sunscreen throughout the day. Most of us forget to reapply sunscreen after first applying it. Remember, you’ll need to reapply more often when engaging in outdoor activities such as swimming or hiking. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays benefits you and your family in the long run!

2. Keep small children within arms length when swimming

Make sure young children are always supervised in water

Whether you’re in a large body of water or a swimming pool, young children (or anyone who doesn’t know how to swim) need to be closely supervised. You can also help your kids practice water safety skills to make sure everyone enjoys their time in the water.

3. Be mindful of dehydration symptoms

Drink at least 8 oz of water per day

It only takes a small amount of your body’s water, as little as 1.5%, for a person to start to experience symptoms of dehydration. These include headache, fatigue, dizziness, or in severe cases, heatstroke. The best way to avoid dehydration is simple-make sure you drink plenty of water all day long.

4. Take a break from the heat

Cool off in front of a fan for a break from the heat

Be mindful when the hottest part of the day rolls around. During the hottest parts of the day, you may consider taking a short break from the outdoors, if possible. Taking time to cool down can help prevent heat stress.

5. More summer safety tips

We hope you’re having a wonderful summer so far! Whether your summer break includes a tropical getaway, spending time with family, or just relaxing at home, the tips above can help keep you and your family safe. Take care and enjoy!
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