Setting Up a Home Office

Because of COVID-19, many of us find ourselves working from home. While many find this a desirable situation, it comes with its own set of challenges. It is important to have a certain level of discipline to achieve your tasks, but that can be difficult in a place where all our distractions live. One way to be successful is by taking the time to create a dedicated workspace for yourself.

If you have thought about setting up a home office, you are thinking in the right direction. A home office is just what you need to achieve the focus you might have at a traditional office, while in the comfort of your own home. Before you remodel a room or claim half of the dining room table, make sure you have a good set up! Here’s our version of the checklist for you:

✅ Do you have a dedicated space? 

✅ Do you have a good chair? 

✅ A Monitor? 

✅ Good Lighting? 

✅ Good Internet? 

✅ Did you stretch today? (it’s not just about the right set up 😉)

We picked up some of these insights from articles below, and hope you find them  helpful as well:

Top 9 Tips for Setting Up a Home Office

How To Set Up a Work-From-Home “Office” For the Long Term

How To Set Up a Home Office You Love: 12 Tips

It’s Not Too Late to Set Up a Decent Home Office

Everything You Need to Work From Home Like a Pro

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