Post-Holiday Blues: How to take a Break

The holiday rush is coming to an end and now we’re only a few days away from the end of the year. The stress of getting all your holiday shopping done, making traveling plans, and trying to enjoy time with loved ones can feel a bit overwhelming. According to a study conducted by Heathline:

62 percent of respondents described their stress level as “very or somewhat” elevated during the holidays, while only 10 percent reported no stress during the season.

Among the holiday stressors listed by respondents were the financial demands of the season, negotiating the interpersonal dynamics of family, and maintaining personal health habits such as an exercise regimen.

It’s natural to feel sad that the holiday season is over. However, there are many different ways to identify these feelings and healthy ways to cope.

Dr. Melissa Estavillo, a licensed clinical psychologist, talks more about how post-holiday blues are actually quite common among adults. 

“It’s important to continue to have plans that you’re looking forward to,” says licensed psychologist, Dr. Kenleigh McMinn

In this video, licensed therapist Kati Morton dives into the reasons why many people feel depressed after the holidays and how to feel better. 

Being realistic about the holidays and acknowledging your feelings with people you are close with can help alleviate the post-holiday blues. Remember, although the holidays are over, that doesn’t mean we don’t have more good things to look forward to in the new year. 

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