July Holidays From Around the World

Lounging on a beach chair, the smell of sunscreen, and staying cool in the high temps, are all signs that summer is in full swing. We love talking to our Crowd members to hear more about how they’re spending these summer months. Read on to learn more about what special occasions our Contributors celebrated during July.

Independence Day, July 4 (United States)

From one of our Contributors, Krystal, “We always give all the kids little sparklers for them to make all kinds of silly shapes in the air.”

In the United States, the Fourth of July signifies the nation’s independence from King George III of Britain. Independence Day is a national holiday in the US celebrated with fireworks, parades, and barbecues.

Eid al-Adha, July 10 (Multiple countries)

From one of our Contributors, Odusile, “All Muslims in Nigeria observe this holiday by slaughtering rams, cows, camels, and goats. These animals are cooked and shared to everyone in the neighborhood.”

This holiday is one of the two main holidays celebrated in Islam. The name translates to “holiday of the sacrifice”. Also known as the Greater Eid, this holiday is celebrated with offerings of meat, prayers, family gatherings, and charity.

Declaration of Independence, July 20 (Colombia)

The Colombian Declaration of Independence occurred on July 20, 1810

This holiday commemorates the independence movement of Junta de Santa Fe, which sought to govern its people independently from the monarchy. This independence movement would also inspire other Latin American countries to take action against their rulers.

To our Contributors, thanks for taking the time to tell us about special events happening in your part of the world! If you want to see your responses featured in our next blog post, make sure to fill out our survey for August. See you next time!

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